Inmate Records Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Warrants

Hobson City is a very small town in Alabama, located in Calhoun County, east of Birmingham, and it has a population of 771 people. The mayor of Hobson City is Alberta Cooley McCrory, and her office is located in City Hall, which is on Martin Luther King Drive. Anniston is the County Seat of Calhoun County.

Hobson City
City Hall
715 Martin Luther King Drive
Hobson City, AL 36201

The most recent crime information about Hobson City is from 2007. During that year, there were no murders, rapes, assaults, or robberies. There were 6 reported burglaries, 2 reported thefts, and 2 reported auto thefts. For 2007, Hobson City had a crime index of 76.1, less than a quarter of the national crime index of the United States, 316.0. There are currently no registered sex offenders living in Hobson City.

Inmate Records Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Warrants

Hobson City, Alabama – Police and Crime Statistics

There is limited information about recent crime statistics in Hobson City. The estimated crime rate is 5,030 per 100,000 persons, which is significantly higher than the Alabama state crime rate of 3,480 per 100,000 persons, and the United States national crime rate of 2,837 per 100,000 persons.

The area police department is the Calhoun County Sheriff’s Office, which is located in Anniston. The sheriff is Matthew Wade, who has been serving as sheriff since 2016. Divisions within the department include patrol, investigations, court services, corrections, administration, communications, reserves, Emergency Services Team, Crisis Negotiation Team, and resource officers.

Calhoun County Sheriff’s Office
400 West 8th Street
Anniston, AL 36201

The Calhoun County Jail is also located on the premises with the sheriff’s office, and the Jail Administrator is Eric Starr. The jail typically has more than 400 inmates daily. Visitation with inmates must be scheduled in advance, and all visitors must be on the inmate’s visitor list. Only authorized immediate family members can visit inmates. Visits can be scheduled by calling the number 256-241-8032.

Calhoun County Jail
400 West 8th Street
Anniston, AL 36201


Captain Eric Starr, Jail Administrator

Hobson City, Alabama – Open Records Requests

Inmate Records Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Warrants

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