Inmate Records Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Warrants

Brantley is a town in southern Alabama, in Crenshaw County. Luverne is the County Seat of Crenshaw County. Brantley has a population of 809 people, and the mayor is Bernie Sullivan. The town offices are located on Martin Luther King Drive.

Town of Brantley
10 ML King Dr.
Brantley, AL 36009

There is limited crime information available for Brantley. There were 7 registered sex offenders living in Brantley, as of June 2018.

Inmate Records Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Warrants

Brantley, Alabama – Police Station and Crime Statistics

There is limited crime information available for Brantley for the year 2016, but the estimated crime rate was 1,475 per 100,000 persons. This is lower than both the Alabama state crime rate of 3,480 per 100,000 persons and the United States national crime rate of 2,837 per 100,000 persons. Property crimes are the most common crimes in Brantley.

The Brantley Police Department is located on Martin Luther King Drive

Brantley Police Department
10 ML King Dr.
Brantley, AL 36009

The Crenshaw County Sheriff’s Office is the other police department for the area, and it’s also located in Brantley. The sheriff is Mickey Powell.

Crenshaw County Sheriff’s Office
100 East 4th Street
Brantley, AL 36049

Inmate Records Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Warrants

Nearby Facilities