Inmate Records Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Warrants

Berry is a town in central Alabama, in Fayette County. The County Seat of Fayette County is Fayette. The population of Berry is 1,148 people, and the mayor of the town is Jimmy Madison. The mayor’s office is in City Hall, located on School Avenue.

Berry City Hall
30 School Avenue
Berry, AL 35546

The most recent crime information available for Berry is from the year 2009. There were no murders, rapes, robberies, or assaults that year. There was 1 reported burglary, 1 reported theft, and 1 reported auto theft. Berry had a crime index of 16.0, which is just a tiny fraction of the United States national crime index of 309.1. As of February 2018, there were 10 registered sex offenders living in Berry.

Inmate Records Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Warrants

Berry, Alabama – Police Station and Crime Statistics

There is limited crime information available about Berry, but the estimated crime rate is 1,739 per 100,000 persons. This is considerably lower than both the Alabama state crime rate of 3,480 per 100,000 persons and the United States national crime rate of 2,837 per 100,000 persons. Property crime is the most common crime in Berry.

The Berry Police Department is also located on School Avenue, and the Chief of Police is Gerald DeDeaux.

Berry Police Department
30 School Avenue
Berry, AL 35546

One of the larger police departments in the area is the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office, which is located in Fayette. The sheriff is Rodney Ingle. Divisions within the sheriff’s office include the administration, civil process, community outreach, the jail, and the sex offender division.

Fayette County Sheriff’s Office
113 1st Ave NW
Fayette, AL 35555

The Fayette County Jail is located on the premises of the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office, and it usually houses less than 100 inmates.

Fayette County Jail
113 1st Ave NW
Fayette, AL 35555

Inmate Records Check

Arrests, Mugshot, Warrants

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